- Publicity
- Fundraising & Special Events
- Caretaking for our Native Plant Garden
- Landscaping, Trail Maintenance
Schiff’s original 350 acres was preserved thanks to the hard work and dedication of a core group of volunteers with a vision to protect the natural beauty of the Pleasant Valley area. Since then, Schiff has been able to thrive and grow based on this tradition of community service.
Schiff also welcomes corporate volunteer groups, scout troops, religious groups, schools, and other organizations who wish to donate time or earn community service hours. Please email us at [email protected] to make appropriate arrangements.
Our seasonal Volunteer Work Days make everyone a “land steward for a day”! Each Volunteer Day provides the community an opportunity to work side by side with Schiff staff and Board members in a variety of hands-on projects. Depending on the season, we may be removing brush and vines from trails, removing invasive species, restoring fences and bridges, or raking out the Native Garden. Volunteers (16 and under with a parent, please) are encouraged to dress in weather appropriate attire, wear hard toed shoes or boots, and bring their own lunches or snacks and water bottles.
"There are not enough words for me to express our thanks and gratitude for all you do for Pingry's community service day. I could never pull off this day without knowing I can count on you to take Pingry students and keep each and everyone of them occupied with hard work. We have worked together for a number of years and I am grateful that Pingry has a partnership with Schiff. Plus, I know that the kids and the faculty had a great time! Put us on the calendar for next year!"
Listed below are just a few ways to volunteer at Schiff. We welcome your suggestions and ideas!
Counselors for our Summer Nature Program for Kids
The work of maintaining the trails, gardens, and facilities of the Schiff Nature Preserve is a year round project, but much work is needed over the summer. Under the leadership of the Stew Crew Leader, the Volunteer Stew Crew offers teens (16+) and young adults an opportunity to complete up to 50 hours of volunteer time while learning about land stewardship in a “hands on” fashion through the completion of projects such as:
The Stew Crew Leader position is a paid position for an enthusiastic, invested, young person with an interest in the environment, sustainability, and animal and plant biology. During July and early August, in addition to supporting the Summer Nature Program director, the Stew Crew Leader gathers 5-10 volunteers, organizes work days, and completes a total of 50 hours of work commitment. Applicants are welcome to send a letter of interest, a resume, and references to [email protected].
Please fill out our form to register. We’ll get back in touch as soon as we review it.